Featured Press Kits
Dating Expert, Relationship Expert, Infidelity Expert - Stephany Alexander
Stephany Alexander is an online dating expert, relationship expert, infidelity expert and founder of WomanSavers.com, a free global date screening service. Research and rate before you date to promote safer dating worldwide.
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David Cunningham
David Cunningham is a communications expert who has led thousands in courses and seminars with Landmark, an international training and development company. With a specialty in family communication, David is well equipped to discuss family dynamics, making amends, honesty, intimacy, and effective discipline for children.
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Deborah Beroset Miller
Deborah Beroset Miller is a communication expert who has led hundreds of people in seminars with Landmark, assisting them in leading more productive and fulfilling lives. With a special focus on women's issues, Deborah can speak on many topics, such as family relationships, workplace dynamics, honesty, and happiness.
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For years we have heard how American students lag behind their counterparts in other fast-growing economies in skills they need to compete globally. Rick and Teena Kamal, husband and wife executives and founders of EduNova, built their business to reverse that trend. The pair teamed up with education experts from Stanford, Boston and Duke universities, the University of Chicago and MIT, to create MCS3 - The Most Complete Student Success System. With three editions for students in middle school, high school and college, it's a complete program for students to learn study strategies, master all types of tests and get better grades.
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Josselyne Herman-Saccio
Life does not have to be torn by conflict. Instead we can learn to work through disagreements with our loved ones, friends, colleagues and everyone in our lives by practicing new ways of communicating, says communication expert Josselyne Herman-Saccio. For 19 years Josselyne has led programs for Landmark, an international training and development company. These programs are designed to inspire effectiveness and creativity in others, enabling them to make their own dreams come true and to make the world a better place. Josselyne discuss many issues related to families, communication and careers.
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Matthew B. James
Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D., is President of The Empowerment Partnership, where he serves as a master trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a practical behavioral technology for helping people achieve their desired results in life. Dr. Matt has also immersed himself in Huna, the ancient practices of the Hawaiian islands of forgiveness and meditation for mental health and well-being, and he carries on the lineage of one of the last practicing kahuna. In his most recent book, Find Your Purpose, Master Your Path, Dr. Matt melds the ancient wisdom of Huna with modern psychology to assist us in leading conscious, purpose-driven lives. He contributes regularly to The Huffington Post and Psychology Today blogs.
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Pat Black
From Albert Einstein to Malcolm Gladwell, unconventional thinkers have changed the world. How do these individuals achieve their full potential navigating the waters of a conventional world? Samuel P. "Pat" Black III (Pat Black), founder of visionary businesses and philanthropic organizations, aims to create an environment where today's unconventional thinkers can thrive. He's building "The Flourish Summit" to give communities tools, spaces and programs nonconformist leaders will use to find solutions to today's most pressing challenges.
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Randy Gage
Prosperity Expert Randy Gage has been Called the Napoleon Hill of our generation. Randy rose from a jail cell as a teen to become a self-made multi-millionaire. Along the way, he overcame addictions, getting shot, and near bankruptcy to go on to inspire millions around the world. Randy is the author of nine international bestsellers which have been translated into more than 25 languages. His new book, Risky is the New Safe, debuted #1 at Barnes & Noble on Oct. 30, 2012, and quickly rose to #1 on The Wall Street Journal Business and USA Today Money bestseller lists, as well as #6 on Publisher's Weekly Hardcover Nonfiction list. Risky is the New Safe has been called "a step-by-step blueprint for succeeding in today's new world," and "a survival guide for an increasingly unpredictable future."
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Zoe FitzGerald Carter
More Americans than ever before are caring for elderly parents and dealing with questions of mortality even as they raise their own families. As Baby Boomers age, states nationwide face the question: should people enduring terminal illness be allowed to choose to end their own lives? In "Imperfect Endings: A Daughter's Story of Love, Loss, and Letting Go," author and journalist Zoe FitzGerald Carter creates a compelling, passionate and thought-provoking memoir. Her account of her mother's decision to die with dignity is destined to spur discussion of this tough issue at the heart of a national debate.
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A Book is Born - Publishing & Author Experience Expert
Nancy Cleary's newest release "A Book is Born: 24 Authors Tell All" takes you on a wild ride through authorhood! Cleary celebrates 10 years of publishing mom authors and now shares the nitty gritty of the publishing journey. | |
A Leading Love, Dating and Infidelity Expert - Tasha Cunningham - CEO of DontDateHimGirl.com
Don't Date Him Girl, Until You Check Him Out First! Tasha Cunningham is a love and infidelity expert and the creator of DontDateHimGirl.com, one of the hottest women's websites on the Internet. | |
Adrianne Ahern, Ph.D.
Most of us live far below our potential - not because we're lazy or disinterested - but due to the hard-wiring of our brains. Dr. Adrianne Ahern is a peak performance psychologist, speaker, and author of Snap Out of it Now! Her innovative tools, including neurofeedback, help anyone seeking excellence achieve better performance in all areas of life by identifying mental obstacles and retraining the brain. | |
Alejandra Llamas
Many people suffer from feelings of negativity, anxiety, depression and a sense of being disconnected. For everyone who dreams of throwing off the bondage of victimhood and creating their own destiny, Alejandra Llamas (pronounced Alexandra Ya-Mas) offers hope. Alejandra is an author, coach and authority on modern and ancient paths to personal fulfillment. Her Spanish-language bestseller "The Art of Self-Awareness" is now available in English as an e-book. | |
Allison Johnson
Allison Johnson is a nurse, healthcare consultant, and a certified practitioner of both The Emotion Code and The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson's study course that teaches healing practitioners to recognize and release trapped emotions - the unseen emotional baggage from traumatic experiences that leads to physical, mental and emotional illness. | |
Apple Blossom Insulators
AppleBlossom Insulators is passionate about making a difference in energy conservation and committed to providing a warm, comfortable home that saves homeowners up to 40% on energy costs. | |
Arielle Ford
After joyous beginnings, many couples find their dreams of perfect love replaced by frustration, criticism, defensiveness and emotional distance. Yet the key to enduring love lies not in chasing an ideal, says bestselling author and love expert Arielle Ford. Lasting love requires we embrace the very flaws, quirks and differences that make us unique, as she shows in her new book Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships. | |
Asheville to South America!
Shannon Nicholson & Dan Peschio Ride to South America! It's a BIG world out there... And Dan and Shannon set out to see just how big one half of the globe really is. | |
Ashira Young
Ashira Young is a health consultant, spiritual counselor, and a certified practitioner of both The Emotion Code and The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson's study course that teaches healing practitioners to recognize and release trapped emotions - the unseen emotional baggage from traumatic experiences that leads to physical, mental and emotional illness. | |
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Baby Otter Swim School
The mission of Baby Otter Swim School is to dramatically change the drowning statistics in this country and the rest of the world through its extraordinary swim program and educational/safety products. Baby Otter Swim School, Inc. was founded by two mothers who experienced the extreme dangers water poses to young children first hand. Now, they work to make sure no parent has to experience the same. | |
Bea Fields, Leadership and Generation Y Author and Speaker
Guiding and Shaping Leaders for the Benefit of Our Futures: Whether working with C-level executives or the Generation Y careerists who they manage, Bea Fields' commitment is to empower leaders with useful insights and time-tested and proven tools, strategies, and approaches so that they can enjoy loyalty and dedication from a wide variety of high achieving workers. | |
Beatty Cohan
BEATTY COHAN, MSW, LCSW, is a nationally-recognized psychotherapist in private practice in Sarasota, Florida. Beatty has 30 years of clinical experience, has had extensive national television and radio exposure, has published numerous articles in newspapers and has given hundreds of lectures and workshops on relationships. In 2004, Governor Jeb Bush appointed her to Florida’s prestigious Commission on Marriage and Family Initiatives. | |
Becka and the Big Bubble
Becka and The Big Bubble books were created by Gretchen Schomer-Wendel and her brother Adam Schomer. The colorful rhyming books follow Becka, a little girl on a big bubble, as she travels the world. | |
Bloomery SweetShine
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Blue Ridge Husky Rescue
Blue Ridge Husky Rescue is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Siberian Huskies and all dogs through adoption and education. We rescue, rehabilitate and rehome unwanted, neglected, and abused huskies and similar breeds. We also promote compassionate treatment of all animals by advising and referring. | |
Bungalow Publishing
The world today offers unprecedented opportunities for collaboration and co-creation as people across the globe share their views, feelings and personalities online. Now Bungalow Publishing, a specialty publishing house, is tapping this potential to involve people worldwide in a monumental off-line expression of human creativity: the Michael Jackson Book Monument. For the first time ever, fans will have the opportunity to co-create "a unique monument of historic proportions" to Michael Jackson and his impact on their lives in a personalized work of art celebrating the legendary performer. Bungalow Publishing is dedicated to creating luxurious, limited edition books to honor inspiring, legendary people who had or have a huge impact on our lives. Bungalow brings together artisans, manufacturers, designers, jewelers, suppliers, printers, graphic artists and other creative professionals to create stunning printed works of art that will endure beyond the digital age. | |
Burge Smith-Lyons
There are many gifted healers, educators, coaches and trainers in the world of personal development, but few with the diversity of expertise of Burge Smith-Lyons and her holistic Essence of Beingâ„¢ programs. Burge is a leader in the world of mind-body-spirit healing and growth. Her gifted work includes helping veterans overcome post-traumatic stress disorder, ministering to teens and families with troubled relationships or empowering individuals to realize abundance in health, wealth and love.
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California Fireworks Newswire
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Cambodia Orphanage Project
Welcome to the Cambodia Orphanage Project's online press kit! Please exlpore this site to learn more about Drew McDowell's mission, Cambodia, the orphanage and how you and others can help support the Cambodia Orphanage Project. | |
Chase Block
Chase Block, author of Chasing Happiness: One Boy's Guide to Helping Other Kids Cope with Divorce, Parental Addictions and Death, is a popular teen with a mission – he wants to help other kids struggling through their parents' divorce, addictions or suicide to know that they will get through this. He's living proof. | |
Chavah Aima
Today, more than ever before, people seek lifelong health and wellbeing for mind, body and spirit. Interest in ancient, esoteric paths and practices has never been higher. Chavah Aima is a enlightened living expert specializing in holistic living at every level — mental, physical and spiritual. In 2005 she created Alchemical Yoga® to help people apply the practices of ancient spiritual systems in ways that are accessible, practical and understandable.
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Chelsea Krost
Born into a whirlwind of economic uncertainty, global strife and relentless change, the Millennial Generation didn't create the challenges they face. But this "always connected" cohort of creative, expressive, tech-savvy young adults now must step up to change the world they inherited. Empowering millennials to make their voices heard is the passion of 21-year-old Chelsea Krost, writer, producer, and TV and radio host. As the voice of her generation, Chelsea has appeared on Anderson with Anderson Cooper, the Today Show, The Tyra Banks Show, Good Day New York, and many other top media from New York to Florida to California. As a "guestpert" and broadcast journalist she creates webisodes for her website www.ChelseaKrost.com and covers relevant, cutting edge stories for CBS, FOX, and ABC news affiliates and other media. "My purpose is to be the voice of the Millennial Generation and a role model for my peers," she says, pointing to negative influences such as reality TV and peer pressure. "With the increase in cyber-bullying, social networking, eating disorders and teen pregnancies, there needs to be a platform where millennials can come together, learn, and get motivated to be a success, do great things for their future, and give back to those who are less fortunate."
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Chi Rope
The way a person walks can reveal health issues from spinal problems and osteoarthritis to stroke and shorter life spans, medical experts say. An uneven gait is a symptom that the body is not working optimally, leading to pain, stress and fatigue, according to Dr. John Lombardozzi, a chiropractor and expert in functional health. Dr. John L. Lombardozzi developed The Chi Rope, as a simple, easy-to-use instrument to help people correct these problems. A specially designed exercise handle that can be used with or without an interconnected jump rope, it can be used for walking, jumping rope or in conjunction with a daily regimen of movements to enhance the body's homeostasis (balance) and Chi (inner energy). | |
Chrislie Formulations
LASHEM Natural Beauty Products line consists of mascara, anti aging creams, and eyelash booster & more. | |
Christine Louise Hohlbaum
Christine Louise Hohlbaum is an author, speaker and public relations consultant. She coaches professionals on how to deliver their message clearly, concisely, and authentically. | |
Every day, social media and viral marketing drive more of our information-fueled economy. CitySmart.com taps into the power of relationships to spread new opportunities for business and deals for consumers. B.J. Wright, a 30-year-old Search Engine Optimization wizard, founded CitySmart to help Boise businesses and patrons looking for new experiences and great deals. The company offers the only service of its kind in Boise and soon plans to expand to other cities.
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Click! The Girl's Guide
Welcome to the online press kit for click!"Read this book to make everything in your life ... click!" Written specifically for teen girls and based on the idea that what you give is what you get, Click! explains how to figure out what you really want, how to focus on your goals using positive energy, | |
Coach Amy
Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC, is the founder of Heartmind Connection Coaching, where she uses a mix of life coaching, relationship and business consulting to help single professionals discover their best possible life! | |
Cynthia Brian
Are you living the life of your dreams? If not, why not? Personal growth success expert, TV/radio personality and New York Times best selling author, Cynthia Brian, founder of Starstyle� Productions, LLC assists you on your path to enjoy work you love while encouraging you to be the star you are by reclaiming your power and using your gifts. Get ready to pump your energy, live, laugh, listen, and learn. You were born to be magnificent! Visit www.star-style.com. | |
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Dan Hollings, Internet and Mobile Guru
Internet strategist & mobile marketer Dan Hollings is responsible for creating and launching numerous successful online marketing campaigns. Dan incorporates social networking into business marketing in a way that delivers results. He sweeps the cluttered Internet path, providing clarity and sense on which social networking tools should be and can be integrated into businesses� marketing strategies. | |
Dan Nguyen
Dan Nguyen is a fitness behavior expert and authority on the mind-muscle connection who teaches people mindful techniques to exchange unhealthy habits for healthy ones, allowing them to achieve long-lasting fitness results. | |
Daniel Pendley
As an author, speaker and one of the top business and motivational trainers in the world, Daniel Pendley has taught more than half a million real estate and other business professionals over 36 years. Now Daniel has expanded his mission to encompass life-training: teaching people to harness commitment, energy and what he calls "the compound effect" to achieve their dreams. | |
Danny Iny
Small businesses are run by smart, strong, passionate people, looking to build better lives for their families and communities. The problem is, all too often, they are excellent at running their businesses, but have no idea how to market them. In today's hyper-paced marketplace, that can put them at risk of failure – the last thing anyone wants to see happen to their dream. Audience engagement expert Danny Iny (SAY "eenie") of Firepole Marketing is working to change that. Through virally popular training programs such as his free Naked Marketing Manifesto (www.NakedMarketingManifesto.com), he provides simple, clear marketing advice and know-how to his students so they can take the actions and make the choices that lead to business success. With his new Naked Marketing Book Project and other collaborative initiatives, Danny teaches small business owners to tap into the power of engagement to create audience-driven businesses. | |
Dating Expert, Relationship Expert, Infidelity Expert - Stephany Alexander
Stephany Alexander is an online dating expert, relationship expert, infidelity expert and founder of WomanSavers.com, a free global date screening service. Research and rate before you date to promote safer dating worldwide. |  |
David Cunningham
David Cunningham is a communications expert who has led thousands in courses and seminars with Landmark, an international training and development company. With a specialty in family communication, David is well equipped to discuss family dynamics, making amends, honesty, intimacy, and effective discipline for children. |  |
David Wood
International speaker, standup comedian and Professional Certified Coach David Wood is the author of Get Paid for Who You Areâ„¢. His tried and true methods for freeing oneself from the shackles of the timecard have been the inspiration for many people to gain a lifestyle of freedom and contribution. | |
Dawn McIntyre
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Debbie Ford
Debbie Ford, New York Times #1 best-selling author, internationally acclaimed workshop leader, and founder of the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching at JFK University, interacts with over 10,000 people per year with her Shadow Process and Spiritual Divorce work, helping participants unleash this personal power by embracing the "dark" side to reclaim their wholeness. | |
Deborah Beroset Miller
Deborah Beroset Miller is a communication expert who has led hundreds of people in seminars with Landmark, assisting them in leading more productive and fulfilling lives. With a special focus on women's issues, Deborah can speak on many topics, such as family relationships, workplace dynamics, honesty, and happiness. |  |
Don Maruska
Don Maruska is a master business coach and author of "How Great Decisions Get Made." An expert in business decision-making with over 30 years of experience, Don helps businesses and organizations improve effectiveness, inspire and motivate employees, and solve tough issues. | |
Doug Varrieur
Trapped in a vicious cycle of overeating, low self-esteem and out-of-control weight gain, Americans endure confusing advice from a diet industry pushing both low-fat and low-carb products, and yo-yo dieting that's destined to fail. Obesity, diabetes and related diseases rob us of health and vitality and threaten a healthcare disaster for our kids. People seeking simple, easy-to-understand weight-loss solutions in a fast-paced world have found a friend and advocate in Doug Varrieur and his new book, FAT TO SKINNY Fast and Easy!
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Dr. Bradley Nelson
The body is a sophisticated, self-balancing, self-healing system designed with a propensity toward health, not disease. But most of us don't realize how incredibly intelligent our bodies are -- or that we can access that intelligence directly to support our efforts to heal. "The human brain is the most sophisticated computer in the known universe. And we each have the ability to access the data and the genius that is stored there," says Dr. Bradley Nelson ("Dr. Brad") who has spent over twenty years researching, practicing and lecturing about his cutting edge healing technologies. A holistic chiropractic physician and medical intuitive, Dr. Brad is one of the world's foremost experts in the emerging fields of bio-energetic medicine and energy psychology.
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Dr. Fabrizio Mancini
The body has an incredible ability to heal itself. But most of us are in the dark about how the body really works and what we can do to tap our personal self-healing power. Dr. Fabrizio Mancini [SAY Fah-BREE-zee-oh Man-CHEE-nee], internationally acclaimed Self-Healing expert and author, debunks the myth that our healing must come from the outside in through traditional medicine. He explains how to heal from the inside out in his best-selling books, Four Steps for Living a Fabulous Life and The Power of Self Healing. Dr. Mancini has given testimony to the White House Commission for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and received numerous honors including Heroes for Humanity, Humanitarian of the Year, and induction into the Wellness Revolutionaries Hall of Fame. He has been featured on Dr. Phil, The Doctors, FOX News, CNN Español, Univision and more. | |
Dr. Jill Murray
Dr. Jill Murray is a best-selling author and practicing psychotherapist who helps people to recognize their destructive relationships and build healthier emotional lives. She has been featured on Oprah, Dr. Phil, 20/20, CNN and many more media venues. | |
Dr. Kristy Vermeulen
Women struggling with weight issues, PMS, menopause symptoms, low libido, fatigue and irritability are often told these are a normal part of aging. But women don't have to endure these and other ailments related to hormonal imbalances, says Dr. Kristy Vermeulen, an international expert on balancing hormones and author of Happy Hormones: Discover the Breakthrough Treatment Program for Better Hormonal Health. | |
Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz
From obesity and cancer to addiction and chronic pain, people increasingly rely upon both traditional and holistic tools for answers to their health problems. Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, MD, Ph.D., is the world's only medical doctor with 25 years experience as a practicing medical intuitive. Medical intuition is the direct perception of the emotional and psychological patterns that form the basis for a person's state of health or disease. Combining science, medicine and mysticism, Dr. Schulz uses her intuitive gifts to advise patients through one-on-one sessions, her popular radio program, and online courses that teach people to access their own intuitive powers.
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Dr. Sharon Fried Buchalter
Raising a child means helping him or her develop a life plan. Dr. Sharon provides parents and families with the tools to forge a path to success together.
Sharon Fried Buchalter, Ph.D., is a distinguished clinical psychologist, family/marriage therapist, and author. Her book, Children Are People Too, provides eight essential steps designed to strengthen families and empower parents to be their own child's life coach and mentor. | |
Dr. Steven Hodes
Steven E. Hodes, M.D., is a traditionally trained physician with a metaphysical point of view. Dr. Steve's approach to well-being encompasses both the scientific and spiritual causes for pain, illness, and disease. He helps us bridge the gap between traditional medicine and holistic healing and shines a light on ways non-medical issues -- such as stress and emotional blockages -- contribute to illness. Dr. Steve brings the wisdom of almost 30 years in private practice to his work as a Meta-Physician. Metaphysics is a tool he can use to help people heal – and learn to heal themselves. | |
Drew Gerber
For 30 years, Drew Gerber has been inspiring those who want to change the world. As the CEO of Wasabi Publicity, lauded by the likes of PR Week and Good Morning America, he sparks “aha” conversations that lead to personal and business success. His PR firm is known for landing clients on Dr. Phil, Oprah, Anderson Cooper, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Entrepreneur, and other top media outlets. Wasabi Publicity lives to launch conversations that make a difference and change the world. | |
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For years we have heard how American students lag behind their counterparts in other fast-growing economies in skills they need to compete globally. Rick and Teena Kamal, husband and wife executives and founders of EduNova, built their business to reverse that trend. The pair teamed up with education experts from Stanford, Boston and Duke universities, the University of Chicago and MIT, to create MCS3 - The Most Complete Student Success System. With three editions for students in middle school, high school and college, it's a complete program for students to learn study strategies, master all types of tests and get better grades. |  |
Elaine Seiler
Humanity is undergoing a new phase of evolution as significant as when humankind emerged from the primordial ooze and walked on land. With her new book, Multi-Dimensional You: Exploring Energetic Evolution, Elaine Seiler is at the forefront of explaining this "energetic evolution." "Each human is moving from the limited perspective of the five senses to the expanded viewpoint of multi-dimensional reality – the unseen realms and vibrations that make up all life", says Seiler, author, researcher and energetics expert. Her book reveals how people can cope and thrive in this strange new world.
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Engage Today
Can Businesses Bring Positive Change to the World? In light of worldwide economic tumult, many people are shifting their understanding of words like "prosperity" and "success" and thirsting for a way to make a living and a difference, simplify their lives and follow their passions. Greg Habstritt decided to ask some of the world's most brilliant minds to share how they are bringing significant change through their organizations at the Engage Today event presented by SimpleWealth happening September 30th through October 3rd in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. | |
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Fire Goddess Designer Beads & Embellishments
Susan Barnes, aka: The Fire Goddess proudly accepts the chance to design and deliver a line of jewelry for New York Times Best Selling co-authors PC Cast and Kristin Cast. The mother and daughter co-author team have just completing their four book in the House of Night series. PC Cast and Susan have come together to conceptualize a line of jewelry that would have a broad appeal to not only the readership and following for the House of Night book series but as well to every mother, daughter and Goddess. The wonderful empowering jewelry is feminine, wearable and refreshes the Goddess power found in every woman. | |
Food and Soul
"Transforming all levels of the Self through the alchemy of foods and eating" | |
Free Publicity
Brand Yourself | |
Freeplay Dog Company
The United States is home to 77.5 million owned dogs, yet many owners — 40 percent by some studies — don't clean up after their pets, polluting public parks and waterways. Freeplay Dog Company simplifies dog ownership by developing and selling accessories to help owners be more responsible and have more freedom to spend time with their dogs. Its primary product, the Multi-sak, is an all-purpose lightweight bag to carry everything owners need. Freeplay's founder, Sylvie Lampron, is a single mother of two young teens who is passionate about teaching responsibility through dog ownership. Sylvie has owned dogs all her life and has dedicated her business to helping people "walk the talk" while walking their dogs. | |
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When you've got a new baby in your arms, everyone becomes an expert. Advice will come from relatives and strangers alike. Unbelievably private questions will be asked; comments will be made, and information (you know, the "TMI" kind) will be provided against your will. Well, not anymore! Gabby Brennan founded gabbybaby as a fun (yet somewhat serious) way to help new parents defend themselves against unsolicited parenting advice and unwanted inquiries. Currently, gabbybaby is expressed through a line of baby and children's apparel, answering questions up front while politely asking others to "mind their own business." | |
Gina Russo
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In 2009, an economic development professor in Nepal contacted Ross Gray and Theresa Ruby, founders of GlobalHouse, for permission to found a chapter of their organization in Nepal and help introduce a new socioeconomic model, called Potentialism. The goal: to lay the groundwork for peace after a civil war that killed more than 15,000 people over a decade. Despite a five-year ceasefire, Maoist rebels maintained approximately 19,000 heavily armed soldiers in 27 camps around the mountainous nation. Diplomats from the US, Europe, China, India and the United Nations had tried but failed to end the dispute. So some of the Nepalese leaders invited Gray and Ruby, American authors, consultants and philanthropists, to try to broker a peace deal. After Gray and Ruby met extensively with both sides in the dispute and continued the dialog for several months, rebel leaders agreed to surrender their arms and hand control of their fighters over to the government. Throughout history, humanist leaders have dreamed of finding a way to move humanity beyond poverty, prejudice, injustice, hate and war to a new era of equality, enlightenment and empowerment. All past efforts have fallen short, yet they have moved us – incrementally and cumulatively – forward to this moment when a quantum leap is possible. A dynamic new approach to improving the lives of individuals and peoples worldwide, Potentialism is the first new socioeconomic model in almost 200 years. Its prime tenants are already at work, boosting the creativity and productivity of businesses and organizations in the US and giving hope for a better life to long-suffering people in developing nations. | |
YA Entertainment To Release Korean TV Drama “Gourmet” on DVD
Korean Cuisine Takes Front Seat in 2008 Blockbuster K-Drama
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Green Design Summit
Green Means Profit for Interior Designers and Architects - Bonus of "Marketing Done For You" | |
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Heather Estay
Heather Estay, humorous commentator, novelist, speaker, and self-confessed non-expert on many issues, offers her quirky perspective on topics of interest to Baby Boomers � and other topics that actually interest hardly anyone except Heather's mother. Heather does this so she doesn�t have to get a real job. | |
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Imagine You!
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Jacqueline Lloyd
What grade would you give humanity? How have we succeeded as a civilization, and how have we failed? What can we do to improve? Is it as simple as individually taking responsibility? Jacqueline Lloyd is a metaphysical teacher and author of The Thief of Sacred who is encouraging people to “take back their power” in all things – from their own lives to how much we depend on others, such as the government. | |
Jennifer Kelton - Bad Online Dates
The 21st Century dating advisor Jennifer Kelton is author of "Don't Use my Sweater Like a Towel," which documents her personal dating experiences during 12 months spent "in the field." With almost three decades of dates to draw from, Jennifer knows what people are attracted to as well as why and how understanding your relationship "hard-wiring" can save you from disastrous dates and a broken heart.
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Joan Stewart
Public relations expert Joan Stewart shows you how to use public relations to establish your credibility, enhance your reputation, position yourself as an expert, sell more products and services, promote a favorite cause or issue, and position your company as an employer of choice.
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Joel Comm
Joel Comm is the #1 Twitter expert, and the New York Times Best-Selling author of Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time.
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John M. Rowley
John Rowley is the author of �Climb YOUR Ladder of Success Without Running Out of Gas!�
This book is perfect for anyone wanting to improve their lifestyle, better their career, loose fat, grow their relationships, develop more confidence, and increase their energy. They will learn to not only plan for their future-enjoying more wealth, better health, greater opportunity, more vibrant relationships, greater free time and more independence than ever before but how to take action on those plans.
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Josselyne Herman-Saccio
Life does not have to be torn by conflict. Instead we can learn to work through disagreements with our loved ones, friends, colleagues and everyone in our lives by practicing new ways of communicating, says communication expert Josselyne Herman-Saccio. For 19 years Josselyne has led programs for Landmark, an international training and development company. These programs are designed to inspire effectiveness and creativity in others, enabling them to make their own dreams come true and to make the world a better place. Josselyne discuss many issues related to families, communication and careers. |  |
Jude Ray
Jude Ray is an award-winning filmmaker of social issue, cultural, and historical documentaries and investigative reports. Her credits include programs on PBS, HBO, BBC, A&E, and Turner Broadcasting. Ms. Ray is co-director and executive producer of the documentary film “Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North,” which tells the story of the largest slave-trading family in U.S. history. | |
Julie Murphy Casserly
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Kathy Brodsky
Parents worried about issues such as childhood obesity, bullying and the amount of time children spend plugged in have a friend and ally in Kathy Brodsky, a psychotherapist, poet and author of uplifting children's books. Her new book Stover, about a fit pig who exercises and eats right, is full of "helping words" that gently promote conversations about the issues today facing children and families. | |
Kay Francis
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Kimberly Fowler
KIMBERLY FOWLER, with her �I�m not your guru-you are� self empowerment philosophy she is the perfect representative of Yoga�s evolution and why she has been proclaimed by the media as �The Modern Face of Yoga.� She is recognized worldwide as the �go to� expert for Yoga and Sports, and �No Granola Yoga� related interests, and has been featured in numerous TV Shows such as CNN, Dr. 90210, KTLA, and Understanding Cancer. She has been featured in Self, W, People, In Style, Glamour, Her Sports, Health, New York Times, Shape and Yoga Journal, along with Japan�s Tarzan, and the UK�s Yoga International magazine. She is also the founder of YAS Fitness Centers, as expert in her field, trains both celebrities and athletes alike. Kimberly has been practicing Yoga since 1983 and has developed her own style called Yoga for Athletes�. Her DVD�s have sold thousands of copies worldwide. She is the author of �The No OM Zone� which is being published by Rodale. She has been recognized for her philanthropic �YAS Give Back� foundation, part of the proceeds of this book will go to the foundation. Kimberly currently resides in Venice, California. | |
Kris Manley
Creating Child Power on Paper is the goal of Donna Kristine "Kris" Manley author of the award-winning book, Resumes for Children - 17 Years Old and Under. Kris provides outstanding examples of children's resumes that will assist parents in celebrating their children's awards, accomplishments, interests, gifts, talents, and challenges. There are powerful tips, tidbits, and resources that parents can use to develop their children's resumes as well as "out of the box" uses for their children's resumes. | |
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Laurie Giles
Attorney, life redefining/transition coach Laurie Giles, Esq. has helps women get through the legal maze and create the life desired.
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Life Time Formulas
The Change Expert invents the powerful "change magnet" Now you can experience what the world is learning from one of the world`s most respected and acknowledge relationship experts, Ana Weber. | |
Liora Mendeloff
Liora Mendeloff is the Founder of Women Speakers Association, the first ever global gathering place for women speakers to collaborate, mastermind and mentor one another in the call to define the new paradigm for the 21st Century.
Liora's passion is to facilitate getting women and their core message out into the world, her commitment as CEO & Founder of InstantMediaKit.com, the pros' secret tool for getting seen, booked and paid!
Liora has worked extensively with best-selling authors, experts and rising stars in the personal/professional development industry as the former owner of a boutique speaker agency dedicated to getting women speakers on the global platform.
For the past 20+ years, Liora has worked behind-the-scenes with some of the world's greatest thought leaders, government officials, celebrities and entrepreneurs (like Arnold Schwarzenegger, "Chicken Soup For The Soul's" Mark Victor Hansen, actress Cathy Lee Crosby) in helping them fulfill their vision.
Liora serves on the Board of Women's National Book Association LA, World Trust Foundation and is a Founding Member of Association of Transformational Leaders. With a degree in Women Studies from University of California Santa Cruz, Liora has been deeply passionate about empowering women to find and express their voice in the world for almost 25 years. | |
Lissa Coffey, Lifestyle and Relationship Expert
Relationship Expert, Lifestyle Designer, Sociologist, Lissa Coffey is featured regularly on The Today Show, Fox News Network, iVillage Live, and many other national television shows. She is the author of five books, her most recent is: Closure and the Law of Relationship: Endings as New Beginnings | |
Long Island Presidents' Council
The Long Island Presidents' Council is a consortium of Long Island public school teachers and support staff who are committed to public school education. | |
LustreLab LXR® is a revolutionary five-in-one vehicle wash/wax/glass and wheel cleaner and bug/tar remover that eliminates the need to towel dry. LXR was first introduced in 2002 and has been featured on the QVC shopping network, in Automobile Magazine, and many newspapers and magazines. | |
Lynn Melville
I'm Lynn Melville -- author, speaker, relationship coach. My goal is to spread the word about Borderline Personality Disorder. I'm the author of Breaking Free from Boomerang Love � Getting Unhooked from Abusive Borderline Relationships and Reality Checks from Boomerang Love � Lifelines for People Caught in Abusive Relationships.
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Lynn Robinson
Top business executives and cultural icons around the world, including Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Oprah, are revealing that following their gut instincts is a major key to their success. Intuitive advisor, speaker, and best selling author Lynn Robinson assists individuals and companies in learning how to access and listen to their intuition. One of the preeminent experts in the country on the topic of intuition, Lynn Robinson is regularly called on by the media to discuss intuition, stress, starting over, making good decisions, overcoming worry, and more. | |
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Makayla Leone
Makayla Leone Presskit. | |
Make Connexxions
Connexxions™ is a new product line designed to help women connect and nurture their friendships. The line was created by three friends and advertising professionals who have worked together for over 15 years.
Connexxions is spelled with two x's to represent the XX chromosome of women and their inherent strengths and bonds. | |
Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D.
Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D., author, speaker, counselor and trainer—integrates contemporary therapies, philosophy and quantum reality concepts with ancient wisdom and practices in her groundbreaking methodology: Awareness Engineering® | |
Matthew B. James
Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D., is President of The Empowerment Partnership, where he serves as a master trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a practical behavioral technology for helping people achieve their desired results in life. Dr. Matt has also immersed himself in Huna, the ancient practices of the Hawaiian islands of forgiveness and meditation for mental health and well-being, and he carries on the lineage of one of the last practicing kahuna. In his most recent book, Find Your Purpose, Master Your Path, Dr. Matt melds the ancient wisdom of Huna with modern psychology to assist us in leading conscious, purpose-driven lives. He contributes regularly to The Huffington Post and Psychology Today blogs. |  |
Maureen Kidd
Maureen Kidd is a registered nurse and a certified practitioner of both The Emotion Code and The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson's study course that teaches healing practitioners to recognize and release trapped emotions - the unseen emotional baggage from traumatic experiences that leads to physical, mental and emotional illness. | |
Michelle Tennant
MICHELLE TENNANT NICHOLSON represents global nonprofits, causes and people who make a difference. PR Week and Good Morning America recognized her public relations firm for its growth and innovative business practices in 2006. | |
Michelle Tennant Nicholson
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Mike Robbins
Mike Robbins is the best-selling author of Focus on the Good Stuff: The Power of Appreciation. A well-known keynote speaker and personal development expert, Mike has inspired thousands to appreciate themselves, acknowledge others, and to be grateful for their lives through his talks, seminars, and workshops. | |
Mimi Doe
Dubbed a “parenting guru” by Ladies Home Journal, best-selling
author Mimi Doe is the preeminent expert busy moms turn to for practical advice and tips for simplifying and balancing their lives. Doe’s books, website, newsletter, television segments and
appearances nationwide reach millions of women ages 25-54 every month, making her an ideal spokesperson. | |
Mindie Kniss
Mindie Kniss, Integrative Coach, Writer | |
Amy Tiemann, Ph.D. is an author, advocate and well-respected voice on parenting. She is a ClubMom expert and founder of MojoMom.com, a community devoted to creativity, connection, and action. Its mission is to provide support and inspiration to help each woman answer the question, "Who am I, now that I am a Mom?" | |
Christy Cuellar-Wentz , M.A.
Mommy-Muse: Someone who helps you enliven your resourcefulness, creativity and talent as you make the profound transition to motherhood.
Hello, I am Christy Cuellar-Wentz, co-founder of Mommy-Muse.com, author of The Essential Mommy-Muse.com Toolkit: 11 Empowering Keys for Your Journey into Motherhood and host of "The Mommy-Muse is In: Empowering Your Journey into Motherhood" on VoiceAmerica.com.
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Moms In Business Expert - Gina Robison-Billups, America's Microbusiness Expert
America's Micro Business Expert
85% of all businesses in the U.S. are considered to be Microbusinesses, and Gina is the leading national expert addressing their needs. | |
MudStuffing Pottery
Creating finely made wood and soda fired functional pottery. | |
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My First Press Kit
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Nancy Juetten's Main Street Media Savvy Blog
Work-in-the-trenches publicist, newspaper columnist, and Media-Savvy-to-Go Publicity Toolkit creator Nancy Juetten gladly supports the success of business owners everywhere by showing them how to get seen, heard, and celebrated in their own backyards ... and beyond through the impact and credibility of free publicity. | |
Natalia Yosco
Millionaire Mompreneur Natalia Yosco is living proof that women can have the financial freedom that comes from owning their own business while raising their kids at home. In three short years, this mother of three went from stay-at-home mom to financially-free mompreneur through the power of network marketing. Today she's having a blast teaching other women to do the same. Natalia is author of The New BFF: Being Financially Free, a top performer in her company, and an author, speaker, and mentor for women aspiring to financial freedom. | |
Neale Donald Walsch
Every day people face tectonic shifts in the foundations of their lives, from economic security to health and relationships. In their search for guidance, millions have turned to a man who triumphed through change after a series of crushing personal blows: author Neale Donald Walsch. | |
Nina Savelle-Rocklin
Dr. Nina is a psychoanalyst specializing in eating issues, podcast host of Win The Diet War and award-winning blogger. She helps people identify the underlying conflicts and issues that lead to overeating, so they can have a healthier, happier relationship with food, and themselves. | |
Nora Klaver's press kit
Internationally recognized author, speaker and master coach, M. Nora Klaver, embraces the counter-intuitive -- working against generally accepted mindsets. No matter how you view yourself, making mistakes and having the ability to laugh and learn from them is the single most effective way to turn your challenges into triumphs. | |
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Pat Black
From Albert Einstein to Malcolm Gladwell, unconventional thinkers have changed the world. How do these individuals achieve their full potential navigating the waters of a conventional world? Samuel P. "Pat" Black III (Pat Black), founder of visionary businesses and philanthropic organizations, aims to create an environment where today's unconventional thinkers can thrive. He's building "The Flourish Summit" to give communities tools, spaces and programs nonconformist leaders will use to find solutions to today's most pressing challenges.
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PeaceMidan Foundation
Societal challenges in the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey have spanned generations. Corruption, violence, poverty, oppression — the problems can seem insurmountable. But the energy and determination shown by the people of the region during the Arab Spring shows that anything is possible when fearless people unite. PeaceMidan is a non-profit dedicated to supporting the development of the Middle East, Turkey, and North Africa by implementing unique, innovative, and sustainable initiatives. Through their program 320Reality, launched Oct. 15, 2012, people all around the globe have the opportunity to present short videos that outline their innovative ideas for supporting development and peace in the region. The online community will vote for the ideas they think are most worthy. The finalists will be invited to the Grand Finale event in Long Beach in September 2013 to present their ideas and the ultimate winners of the final round will receive funding and professional resources to make sure that these good ideas become reality. | |
Peg Sutherland
Peg Sutherland is a certified practitioner of both The Emotion Code and The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson's study course that teaches healing practitioners to recognize and release trapped emotions - the unseen emotional baggage from traumatic experiences that leads to physical, mental and emotional illness. | |
Executives and human resource leaders need more than ropes courses and team-building games to get the most out of their teams and talent. PeopleNRG, led by managing partners Lawrence Polsky and Antoine Gerschel, has trained more than 60,000 leaders worldwide to overcome hidden obstacles, get unstuck and thrive through change. | |
PitchRate.com is the new media tool that moves the best interviews to the front of the line for journalists and producers. Now, journalists and producers can cut the clutter and find great expert sources easily and at no cost. | |
PitchRate.com is THE free service for getting media coverage. | |
Positive Discipline
Positive Discipline is a program designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities. Based on the best selling Positive Discipline books by Dr. Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott, Cheryl Erwin, Kate Ortolano, Mary Hughes, Mike Brock, Lisa Larson and others, it teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults (including parents, teachers, childcare providers, youth workers, and others). | |
PR Tips
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Pulling into a campground after a long day on the road, the last thing campers want to worry about is not having enough hot water for a comfortable shower. But even many top-of-the line RVs come with skimpy hot water tanks that run out after a few minutes. Now there is an alternative to rushed showers and waiting for the water to reheat for both RV and boating enthusiasts. Tankless water heaters from PrecisionTemp/RAD Technologies, Inc. solve the main comfort-related problems facing campers and boaters. PrecisionTemp President Gerry Wolter invented the ShowerMateâ„¢, the first on-demand, propane fired tankless water heater certified for the recreational vehicle industry. Now Wolter and PrecisionTemp have taken this technology to the next level with a new tankless water heater, the RV-550 NSPâ„¢. Like the RV-500â„¢, the powerhouse behind the ShowerMateâ„¢, it provides a limitless supply of hot water for luxurious creature comfort aboard RVs and boats, but at a fraction of the cost. | |
Project Jatropha
Project Jatropha | |
Publicity Tips
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Purdy Productions
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Randy Gage
Prosperity Expert Randy Gage has been Called the Napoleon Hill of our generation. Randy rose from a jail cell as a teen to become a self-made multi-millionaire. Along the way, he overcame addictions, getting shot, and near bankruptcy to go on to inspire millions around the world. Randy is the author of nine international bestsellers which have been translated into more than 25 languages. His new book, Risky is the New Safe, debuted #1 at Barnes & Noble on Oct. 30, 2012, and quickly rose to #1 on The Wall Street Journal Business and USA Today Money bestseller lists, as well as #6 on Publisher's Weekly Hardcover Nonfiction list. Risky is the New Safe has been called "a step-by-step blueprint for succeeding in today's new world," and "a survival guide for an increasingly unpredictable future." |  |
Redneck Jellyfish
Redneck Jellyfish iPhone Game | |
Robert Renteria, Reaching Out to Those Chasing the American Dream
From the Barrio to the Board Room - Reaching Out to Those Chasing the American Dream - Robert Renteria, his book and his message are a must have for all groups and organizations who need a tool to help inspire and motivate anyone who needs help in finding their way. From the Barrio to the Board Room is the missing piece of the puzzle to help those dealing with alcohol, drugs, violence, abuse, gangs, and school drop outs. This book and Robert will change lives.
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Ruth Furman
Image Words Publicity & Writing is a full-service public relations firm owned by Ruth Furman. | |
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Sandee Mac
Sandee Mac is president of the American Society of Dowsers and a certified practitioner of both The Emotion Code and The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson's study course that teaches healing practitioners to recognize and release trapped emotions - the unseen emotional baggage from traumatic experiences that leads to physical, mental and emotional illness. | |
Santa Speaking
We all know how busy Santa is on Christmas Eve, but during the rest of the year, he has some time for a few special requests from parents around the world. SantaSpeaking.com manages Santa's "off season" calendar, and arranges personal phone calls from Santa to little boys and girls as he prepares for the big day. When Santa calls, his conversation with the children can be recorded so they can enjoy it forever. | |
Sarah Maria
In a culture that worships thin, young, fit, and perfect, few of us can measure up. And our obsession with what we are not has extinguished the joy and vibrancy of who we are. Sarah Maria is a body-image expert and personal empowerment specialist who helps people love their bodies no matter how they look. | |
Scott Weingold and College Planning Network
The best investment you can make – sending your child to college -- shouldn't send the family into financial ruin! For generations, the common wisdom has touted the value of "getting a good education" – a college education. But in these times of economic turmoil, is it worth it any more to send our kids through four or five (or maybe even six!) years of higher education? Scott Weingold, co-founder of College Planning Network, LLC, who was ranked as the nation's #1 "College Financial Aid Expert Worth Knowing About" by CollegeStats.org, says, "Absolutely. It's about the hard facts. New college grads may face a discouraging 6.4% unemployment rate right now. But recent grads with only a high school education have a whopping 24% unemployment rate. We still need to arm our kids for the future with the best education we can provide." But Scott goes on to say that this great education should be planned strategically – and paid for intelligently. Scott and the College Planning Network (CPN) team have helped literally thousands of families successfully navigate the college admissions and financial aid process, and make paying for college more easily affordable – regardless of the cost. Scott teaches these principles in his free online video workshop, How To Pay For College Without Going Broke In The Process! and the book he co-authored, The Real Secret To Paying For College: The Insider's Guide To Sending Your Child To College – Without Spending Your Life's Savings.
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Secret Ingredients
Generation after generation will savor the family foods and traditions of today, once they are preserved in a Secret Ingredients heirloom cookbook. From the tattered 3x5 index cards in your grandmother's cupboard to a child's favorite recipe for macaroni and cheese, the meals you share with family can be cherished forever with this unique and interactive gift. | |
In the face of grim economic news, Amy Fox and Kendra Ramirez have teamed up to create SellMoreStore.com and lead an emerging growth market: teaching business professionals online how to boost sales and expand markets using social networks. | |
Sharon Deugo
Sharon Deugo is a Health and Life Coach and Certified Reflexologist trained in acupressure, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Psych-K, and Level 3 Therapeutic Touch, and a certified practitioner of both The Emotion Code and The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson's study course that teaches healing practitioners to recognize and release trapped emotions - the unseen emotional baggage from traumatic experiences that leads to physical, mental and emotional illness. | |
THE POWER OF NETWORKING, MEDIA AND GOSSIP FOR GOOD - Shawne Duperon is a six-time EMMY® Award winning producer, PBS host, networking guru and media expert. A Ph.D. candidate in interpersonal communication, her expertise is gossip: how it impacts culture, the workplace, media and personal lives.
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Sheryl Derderian
Sheryl Derderian is a certified practitioner of The Emotion Code and The Body Code, groundbreaking methods developed by veteran holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson to help people spark physical, mental and emotional self-healing. Sheryl has worked for 30 years in the medical profession, 22 as a nurse practitioner, and lives in West Springfield, MA.
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Snap Out of it Now!
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Sound of Your Soul
Laura Faeth's Online Press Kit - Author of I Found All the Parts: Healing the Soul through Rock 'n' Roll. | |
Steve Zaffron
Steve Zaffron, CEO of Vanto Group, has consulted with business leaders from around the world for more than 25 years, guiding them to the next level of performance – as businesses and as individuals. An internationally respected authority on leadership and organization, Steve Zaffron is also the co-author of the best-selling book, "The Three Laws of Performance."
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STL Ocarina
Fans of the video game "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time," and parents seeking an inexpensive, easy-to-play instrument to introduce their children to music lead a resurgence of interest in the ocarina. And STL Ocarina is ready to equip them with thousands of the pocket-sized, pottery wind instruments in all shapes and colors.
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Stop, Balance, Go!
Welcome to STOP, BALANCE, GO!
What can we learn from this highly recognizable icon about finding balance in a world addicted to SPEED? Cassie Schindler, Personal & Corporate Wellness Trainer, teaches a 3-step process for inviting and maintaining work/life balance that'll change the way you look at stoplights forever.
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Susan Harrow
Susan Harrow, media trainer, marketing expert and author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul (HarperCollins), helps women promote themselves, their business, product or cause while keeping their clothes on and their integrity intact. | |
Susan Shane
People battling poor fitness, excess weight, back pain, stress and other health issues need simple do-it-yourself ways to improve their health and well-being. For everyone facing these struggles, author and wellness expert Susan Shane created Exaircise, a cross-cultural fitness program. Her book, Vitality Fusion, a Comparative, Interactive Survey of Western, Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine, reveals how readers can create a customized path to optimal health using these ancient and modern modalities. | |
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T.O.M. Press Kit
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Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work helps girls and boys across the nation discover the power and possibilities associated with a balanced work and family life. This national, public education program connects what children learn at school with the actual working world and encourages girls and boys across the country to dream without limitations and to think imaginatively about their family, work, and community lives. | |
Tammy Mastroberte
Elevated Existence Magazine is a digital, spiritual magazine with a self-help focus started by 11-year magazine publishing veteran, Tammy Mastroberte. It's featured Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Joe Vitale, hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons and Olivia Newton-John. | |
The Betty Brigade
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The Gorge
Zip lines are exploding in popularity across America, with the number of these high-flying thrill rides soaring from 10 in 2001 to more than 200 today. Unique among zip lines is a new 1¼-mile extreme course called The Gorge located on 125 wild acres just off Interstate 26 near Saluda, N.C. Billed as one of the steepest zip lines around, The Gorge launches visitors on a steep zig-zag descent into the gorge of the world famous Green River. Whereas many zip lines are built around a single long course or traverse from ridge to ridge, The Gorge is a linked series of 11 sections, four of them approaching 1,000 feet, dropping 1,100 feet from rim to river level. The course also includes three rappels and a sky bridge for a total of 15 elements. It's a heart-pounding, high-intensity experience billed as extreme but safe for most people, from kids as young as 10 and active seniors in good physical health. | |
The International Interior Design Association
Americans are fascinated by decorating and home makeovers as proven by our many reality-based TV shows on these topics. Yet few people understand the powerful reach of today's Interior Design professionals. Cheryl Durst, Executive Vice President and CEO of the International Interior Designers Association, is out to change that. She speaks 30 to 40 times a year to audiences around the United States, dispelling myths and bringing Interior Design to the forefront of the public consciousness.
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thepurplebook has been guiding people to the best shops the Internet has to offer since 2000. With nearly 700 pages in its most recent, updated edition, thepurplebook is the definitive guide to exceptional online shopping.
Hillary Mendelsohn, author of thepurplebook and its specialty editions, is considered to be the foremost expert in online shopping. She created thepurplebook when her own online shopping experience resulted in too many choices and not enough substance. | |
Thomas Frey - Futurist Speaker
Google's Top-Rated Futurist Speaker - "The greatest value in understanding the future comes from spotting the major cultural, demographic, societal, and economic shifts early and translating them into viable business strategies." | |
TOM trouble free online manager
TOM is the user-friendly web developer that is easy to use, affordable, and, best of all, has built-in search engine optimization! | |
Tonja Evetts Weimer
Most people struggle through the end of a significant relationship in part because they allow themselves to be defined by loss or a sense of failure ascribed by society, the media or others. It does not have to be that way, Relationship Expert Tonja Evetts Weimer says. Instead, the end of a relationship can mean a new opportunity to thrive and grow, says Weimer, author of the new book Thriving After Divorce: Transforming your life when a relationship ends.
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Two Fish Art Glass
Our store and workshop are unique in the glass business. We offer a wide variety of handmade products as well as an unequalled collection of glass gifts, mission and arts & crafts furniture, and Tiffany-style lighting. | |
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Valana Minerals
Valana Minerals a naturally liberating experience for your face. | |
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Wasabi PR
Meet the founders of Wasabi PR: Michelle Tennant Nicholson, Excecutive Publicist and Storyteller to the Media and Drew Gerber, Website Developer and PR Firm Owner | |
Weichert, Realtors - Mountain Executives
Integrity, value, personal service and relationships for life are built-in components of Weichert, Realtors-Mountain Executives, serving Henderson, Buncombe, Transylvania and Polk Counties. The pooling of professional standards, talent an | |
Wendy Woodworth
A Community of women collaborating deliciously as one. | |
Welcome to the online press kit for
Katy Bray and Live With The Lights On
Katy Bray is an intuitive healer, intuitive life coach and internet radio personality who helps individuals, groups and her listening audience increase awareness of the mind, body, spirit connection, in order to restore and maintain balance and put their dreams powerfully into action.
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OnRamp Experts Millie Froeb and Catherine Clifford combine forces to create the one-stop shop for women in career transition.
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Yum Yum Dishes
Tracy created Yum Yum Dishes™ to help kids and grown-ups manage their snacking habits in a healthy way. Instead of eliminating all your favorite treats – enjoy them in moderation, in a Yum Yum Dish™! | |
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Zoe FitzGerald Carter
More Americans than ever before are caring for elderly parents and dealing with questions of mortality even as they raise their own families. As Baby Boomers age, states nationwide face the question: should people enduring terminal illness be allowed to choose to end their own lives? In "Imperfect Endings: A Daughter's Story of Love, Loss, and Letting Go," author and journalist Zoe FitzGerald Carter creates a compelling, passionate and thought-provoking memoir. Her account of her mother's decision to die with dignity is destined to spur discussion of this tough issue at the heart of a national debate.
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